Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21st

We drove back from the farm today. Short time at the farm. Long drive back.

Stopped and played jump rope with some cute little girls at a school on the way back. It's refreshing how easily they become joyful.

Awesome talk with Yvonne today, she's a special girl staying here at the Gibbs with us.

Today was quite uneventful, other than the fact I waved to probably 100 kids while driving along in the car. It's awesome. Muzungu Muzungu!!!!
(White people, white people!) Is what they shout at you.
Yup, that's what they say to us, it's makes me laugh.


Anonymous said...

Keep on blogging, Kate! I've been reading your posts to your brothers during circle time so they can stay up to date with you all.howayr

Anonymous said...

howayr was the word verification. I didn't notice my cursor had jumped :)

Wendy Jung said...

Hi Kate,
Love reading about your trip! When you talked about "Muzungu" it made me laugh. i read a book one time about a couple living in Kenya and the talked about the Kenyans all shopping at the dead Muzungu store for their clothing. Apparently, the Kenyans thought all 2nd hand clothes available for them to buy had to have been from dead people because NO ONE would ever have enough clothes to give away. Sad and funny all at the saem time. Love you and your heart! Mrs. Jung

KAK said...

aw that's awesome. [= I just like thinking through everything...even if no one reads it. Oh ya Danielle!? howayr back at ya!

KAK said...

Mrs. Jung your comment made me laugh!
haha yes I know that funny and sad feeling all to well in this place.