Saturday, November 6, 2010


A single month it's been since I left the SF airport and headed home. Just one. Yet, It feels literally like an eternity.

I'm trying not to think of all thing wonderful things and people I miss in Kenya, and instead focus on my mission field here in California.

I want my life to be about serving others, its what I want to be remembered for. It was so much easier to care in that little town where poverty was less than a block away, but it shouldn't be. I've come up with a self-mission: To be the best 'missionary' I can be where God has me on this day. This year. This moment.

Conducting myself just as I would have to every single one of those little black boys I cared for so much. Deuteronomy 15:11 Keeps pounding in my head:

There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

Is it just me or is there really no point to serving God overseas, if I can't serve the people who need it most right where you are?

It's just a month since I've been back, and I want to be different because of it.
Care to join me?


Hannah said...

This is so amazing Kate! I felt the same exact way when I came back from the Philippines...there is such a missions trip high and it is so hard to figure out how that transfers to everyday life! Everyday I pray that the Lord will use me to touch someone's life. I will pray that he uses you as well! :) Love you!

Nick said...

I must say that I never really read your blog while you were gone.... Guess I thought I'd hear all about it when you got back. I'm glad that you have such a servants heart and a passion for God. There definitely is that spiritual "high" you get after coming back from serving or seeing God at work but the difficult part is translating it into everyday life. :)

KAK said...

'Missions high' is right Hannah, and it *IS* hard. Thanks bro, I feel the love.....=) Love you guys!